Dear Users:
Bibox will officially open the 4th “CunBi Bao” at 11:00 AM on 08/01/2018 (GMT+8). BBN and TTT will be available for purchase in this session. Purchase time will end at 11:00 PM on 08/03/2018 (GMT+8).
What is CunBiBao?
CunBiBao is a financial product based on digital asset with each project has its own lock position period and interest. The user can invest the project at his will and the project will be locked after investment. The interest will be calculated according to the agreed time and distributed with the principal back to the original account when the project ended.
How to participate?
Log into Bibox and click on "CunBiBao". Select the project you want to invest and click the button to make you investment.
How to calculate the revenue?
The start and end time of the project is fixed, and you revenue will be calculated in accordance with that period. The interest date of each project can be viewed in the page.
How can I get the interest ?
The principal and interest will be returned to your account within one working day after the unlocking.The detailed records can be viewed in your account
Does the income and other activities rewards stack up?
Assets that participate in the CunBi Bao are no longer calculated in other activities.
Is the lockup plan can be unlocked in advance?
The CunBiBao does not support advance unlocking, the locked project will be unlocked after the lockup time with the payment of interest.
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