Bibox provides a new set of API for users, to help them access Bibox trading system quickly, implementing programmed transaction.
API allows the following functions:
- View the market information (K line, depth, real-time dealing ticker, 24h market)
- View the account asset information
- Order, cancel
- View order information
- API Url
- API Signature
- API Request and Response Format
Restful API contract trading: COIN Swap / USDT Swap
- View Kline
- contract account information
- check single information of contract position
- Check all information of contract position
- Check uncompleted contract orders
- make contract order
- make bulk contract orders
- cancel contract order
- cancel multiple orders
- cancel 1000 orders
- adjust contract leverage
- adjust contract margin
- transfer funds from master account to contract account
- check transaction records in the market
- check uncompleted orders through order id
- check personal transaction record
- query order detail
- query contract value (apikey not required)
- query contract leverage info (apikey not required)
- query contract open limit once (apikey)
- GetLendOrder lendOrder/get
- GetBorrowOrder borrowOrder/get
- BorrowOrder borrowOrder/book
- BorrowOrderCancel borrowOrder/cancel
- Refund borrowOrder/refund
- GetLendBook lendOrderbook/get
- PublishLendBook lendOrderbook/publish
- CancelLendBook lendOrderbook/cancel
- GetBorrowDepth borrowDepth/get
- Trade trade/trade
- Cancel trade/cancel
- GetLendAsset transferAssets/lendAssets
- GetBorrowAssets transferAssets/borrowAssets
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